See you in Barcelona this summer


March 7, 2019

Have you been feeling lately that you are missing out the coolest skill-set in academia?

Here is you chance to cut in and dive into R.

In July BaRacelona Summer School of Demography welcomes dedicated scholars, aspiring or established, to help them migrate to the world of new oppoRtunities.

The school consists of 4 modules. You can take them all or choose specific ones. The first, instructed by Tim Riffe, introduces the basics of R. The second, instructed by myself, focuses on visualizing data, very general with a slight tilt towards population data. The third, instructed by Marie-Pier Bergeron Boucher, presents the foundations of demographic analysis with R. Even if you are not (yet) a demographer these methods are very general and are usable in a wide range of social science disciplines. Finally, the fourth course, instructed by Juan Galeano, teaches the powerful ways to unleash the spatial dimension of data analysis.

There are still several places available, the call closes on March 31st.

I’ll be happy to see you in sunny Catalonia!